Current Project
Water bottle refill stations
This is a project undertaken by Saint Margaret's Creation Care Committee
to install water bottle refill stations (with pet drinking fountains attached)
at three locations in local parks and along the Harbor Walk;
the project is in collaboration with/fiscal sponsorship by Friends of Belfast Parks.
Donate to this project by sending a check to:
Friends of Belfast Parks, PO Box 947, Belfast, ME 04915;
note"Water Bottle Refill Station Project" in the memo line.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Past Projects
Since its inception, Friends of Belfast Parks has contributed more than $100,000 to special projects,
improvements, amenities, and programs in the municipal park system, including:
• Establishment and 20-year operation of annual “Arts in The Park” arts and crafts festival
• Organization and sponsorship of “Citizen Summit - Our Parks: Frills or Untapped Resources” symposium
• Organization and management of “Maine Wienerfest,” a dachshund-focused festival
• Funding for and construction of the Belfast Dog Park (> $50,000)
• Funding for and construction of the Phineas P. Quimby Labyrinth (> $30,000)
• Design and construction of perennial flower garden at Belfast Common entrance
• Funding for a portable 104’ x 52’ outdoor winter skating rink
• Funding for park identification signs
• Financial support for the Belfast Arboretum
• Financial support for the Passagassawakeag Rail Trail
• Financial/ volunteer support for outdoor concerts and theatrical performances, other projects
• Organization and facilitation of “Wise Kids Outdoors” summer day camp program
• Financial/volunteer support for Belfast Daffodil Project